Friday, June 28, 2013

SNAP Challenge Observation: Healthy, Quick, and INEXPENSIVE Food is Hard to Find. Need to find a SNAP Nutritionist

One of the challenges I'm running into with the challenge is finding healthy, quick and inexpensive foods.  I need something portable for the days that I'm on the run.  A lot of the time, I'm resorting to oatmeal with cinnamon and a few raisins thrown in for flavor.  Normally, my oatmeal would have pecans in as well, but I just can't afford the luxury.  Today, for instance, I was going to get up and make oatmeal pancakes, but the yard is like a hay field and I need to be to work by 11:30 this morning.  Instead, as I write this, I'm eating oatmeal.

I was going to make banana bread out of the bananas that I have on the counter, but maybe muffins will be a better choice.  I could also make some rhubarb muffins.  Muffins aren't always a nutrition powerhouse; but at least when I make my own, I'm sure that they won't all be sugar and no nutrition.  

If I was a bread eater, this would be much easier, but a lot of things made with yeast make my allergies go catawampus.  Sandwiches are such a great idea, aren't they.  Every culture seems to have their version; some are wrapped in bread, some in a tortilla, some in a pita, some in a dough.  Portable food for the working class is a very old idea--additives are the new idea.

If you look at the basic ingredients of fast food, it isn't bad.  Then examine the amount of sodium, preservatives, corn syrup, flavor enhancers, fat and mystery chemicals that are in it and it becomes something else entirely.  So many people end up resorting to the drive-through, though, because they do not know how to cook or don't think they have the time and this food is turning us into an unhealthy nation.  It is, however, cheap and easy and filling.

Today's mission for me is to find a SNAP Nutritionist for the County and find out how a person on food stamps can make a healthy, inexpensive meal on the go.

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