Friday, July 5, 2013

SNAP Challenge Personal Blog: Too much soup

In order to make the meat stretch, I've been eating a lot of soups and stews.  Chili, stew, beef soup.  This would be great, but I wasn't wise enough to purchase enough vegetables.  So, my soups and stews are sadly lacking the nutrition they should have.  And that's the thing--it isn't whether or not a person can survive on only 116.50 a month (the average Wisconsin SNAP amount in 2012), it is whether or not a person can eat healthy meals for only 116.50 a month.

I've already had two meals at The Community Table and am signed up to volunteer again this weekend.  There, I've been getting a balanced meal with nutrients and fresh fruits and vegetables. They still have their full flavor and nutrition.  Really, the meals there are incredible!

As I said yesterday, I have less than eight dollars left to spend for the next two weeks.  I've got enough oatmeal and rice to make it and I'm good with the baking supplies like sugar and flour.  If I'm not wasteful, the bottle of oil and the remainder of butter will last out the two weeks.  Sometime this weekend, I'll post what I've purchased and what I have left.

In another week, I should be able to start to harvest baby lettuce leaves from my garden and a couple of hot peppers that were on the plants when I bought them.  The onions are coming in nicely, and I should be able to add some green onions to the mix.  The berries surrounding me are starting to  turn a bit pink.  They will ripen within the next few weeks.  I've already asked my neighbor if I can pick berries on his land, so I'll have something for the freezer.

I'm a couple of weeks, I will be surrounded by good food in nature.  The normal SNAP recipient, though, can't just go to the country to pick berries.   Transportation is a huge concern as well as childcare.  There aren't any bus routes that run out here and someone needs to watch the kids to keep them out of the poison ivy.    

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